Dreams jobs(?

Hi again, the jobs is a topic in the life so important because is the activity of the rest of our life, my dream is don't work at a office and the agriculturist help with this dream, also because I love the nature science like ecology, entomology, etc.. But when i was a child this wasn´t like that, then I dreamt with so many jobs, like be a soldier, chef, a man of science, pilot, a aeronautic mechanic, and other things that I don´t remember now. When i had to choose my career, I was decided, I never mind at the moment in other career, but with the time, I had the opportunity to see others jobs like psychology or construction sector, is attractive, overall psychology because this show me a different world that the agriculture show me. 
In my experience in this career and the university has been funny, because it makes me feel different emotions like anxiety and satisfaction
In the future I wanna work in environmental impact studies, it seems a job very funny and dinamic 


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